Can the hair be bleached?

No, hair extensions can not be bleached. 

What products can i use on the hair?

Do not use shampoo and conditioner that has a high alcohol content or products that contain any Protein, Keratin or Sulphate. Do not use any hair products that you can purchase from the supermarket. Always purchase your hair products from a wholesaler or hair salon to ensure you are getting quality products. Some of our favourite products is the Pure Goddess range & the Muk Moisture range.  

Can i swim with extensions in?

Yes you can swim however do not get any chlorine, salt or ocean water on the hair extensions. This will make them dry and can cause them to tangle and snap! 

Do i have to blow-dry my hair?

Yes, Always make sure the band of the weft is dry after washing your hair. Never sleep with wet hair! This can cause your hair extensions to tangle together!

Can i colour the Hair extensions?

Yes, you can colour them with a Salon quality Semi Permanent hair colour and you can only colour them darker, not lighter. Please be aware, once you have coloured the hair extensions, all warranty is void as we can't be sure what products and chemicals have been used to colour the hair. You can use purple shampoo on the hair extensions however, this is to be done in moderation as coloured shampoos are very drying for the hair. All colouring is done at your own risk. 

Can i straighten the hair?

Yes absolutely! It is real human hair therefore you can use heat styling tools on them however, it is recommended to keep the heat of the styling tool below 160 degrees. Excessive use of heat styling tools can cause the hair extensions to snap off like it would your own hair. 

How long will the hair last?

The hair will last between 6-12 months with the correct aftercare. Most of our clients get at least 12 months use before needing to purchase a new set. We have searched high and low for the most durable and strong hair so that our clients get the most amount of time possible out of their hair extensions. 

Is there anything else i should be careful with?

YES! Sunscreen! Do not let your hair extensions come into contact with sunscreen. Even if you have applied it to your body, do not let the hair sit on your skin where you have applied it. If you do, they will turn orange/pink! Once this happens, there is nothing your able to do to fix the discolouration as this is due to a chemical reaction.

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